Online Application Form for JS Admission


香港兆基創意書院(下稱「書院」)是一所直資中學,學生須繳交學費。2024/25學年入讀初中的學生,其每年學費為港幣 $33,000*。 (*有待教育局批核)

HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity (HKSC) is a Direct Subsidy Scheme school and collects school fees from students. The annual school fees for JS students in 2024/25 is $33,000*. (*subject to EDB’s approvalpending approval)
The school has a Fee Remission Scheme to support young people with financial needs. Those include students from CSSA families or receiving financial assistance from the Student Finance Office. Please visit the school website for further information.

Please enter below information:

電郵地址 Email:

個人密碼 Password:   

*注意:所有申請者必須先出席簡介會,以理解書院辦學理念及教學模式。本申請系統的個人密碼將於簡介會上以電郵發放至閣下於簡介會報名表內提供的電郵地址。使用該密碼即可登入並填寫本表格。請保留此密碼以便日後登入本系統查閱申請狀況。如閣下未有收到有關電郵,或有任何查詢,請致電 2180 9595。

*Note: All applicants must join an Information Session in order to understand the school’s teaching philosophy and methods. The personal password for the application system will be sent to you via email you provided during the Information Session, which you can use to complete the application. Please use the password to login to check the progress of your application. If you have problems receiving email from the school, or have any enquiries, please contact us at 2180 9595.

按此 登記初中入學簡介會
Click above to register for a Junior Secondary Admission Information Session